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Paper Submissions

Manuscripts should adhere to the double-column IEEE format and be written in English. Please consult the IEEE Tools for Authors for detailed formatting instructions.

Review Process: Each submission will undergo a rigorous review by at least three experts. Authors will receive feedback to ensure the high quality of accepted papers. Accepted papers must be presented at the conference. Submissions should be original, not under review elsewhere, and authors must own the copyright to all parts of the work. For more information, refer to IEEE policies.

Submission Instructions:

  • Manuscript Submission: Submit your paper electronically in PDF format via EasyChair.

  • Camera-Ready Submission: Final papers must comply with IEEE Proceedings Manuscript Formatting Guidelines. Proofread and check the layout before submission. Submission link: (TBA).


Important Notes:

  • Each accepted paper must be presented at the conference.

  • At least one author of each accepted paper must register at the full member/non-member rate. For papers with all student authors, one student must register at the full rate.

  • Failure to comply will result in removal from the conference proceedings.

  • Page limits: Regular and Workshop Papers – 8 pages (up to 2 extra pages allowed at $150 per extra page); Short Papers – 4 pages (1 extra page allowed at $150).

Paper Submissions
Poster Abstract Submissions

Poster Abstract Submissions


Authors are invited to submit an abstract for the in-person poster session. Please note, there is no virtual option for the poster session.

​​All Poster Abstract submissions will be carefully reviewed by the Program Co-chairs Committee for quality and content that aligns with the conference. Poster Abstracts can only be updated by the authors prior to the submission deadline. There will not be a Camera-ready phase for Poster Abstracts, so each submission must be in its final version.

Authors of accepted Poster Abstracts must guarantee that their poster will be presented at the conference. Please only submit original material where copyright of all parts is owned by the authors declared and which is not currently under review elsewhere. Please see the IEEE policies for further information.

Poster Abstract Submission Instructions

Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Authors MUST submit their Poster Abstracts through EasyChair. Please follow this link.

  • Your abstract must encapsulate all of the work presented in the final poster that you plan to present at the conference.

  • Abstracts must be written in English as one paragraph and less than 2000 characters long. It must not include symbols, special characters, abbreviations, footnotes, references, mathematical equations, or tabular material.

  • Please use the letter-size conference template for conference proceedings found on the IEEE Article Templates website. Your submitted PDF should only contain the title, author information, abstract, and keywords sections. Please delete the rest of the contents on the template.

  • Do not submit the full poster.​ Authors of accepted Poster Abstracts must bring their posters to the conference. Please see the Conference Poster Instructions for more information.


  1. Every Poster Abstract accepted for the poster session MUST be presented during the conference.

  2. Every Poster Abstract accepted MUST have attached to it at least one registration at the full member/nonmember rate. Thus, for a Poster Abstract for which all authors are students, one student author will be required to register at the full registration rate.

Failure to do so will result in removal of your abstract from the conference proceedings.

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